Biotechnology & Food
Open Access Real‐time monitoring of biomass during Escherichia coli high‐cell‐density cultivations by in‐line photon density wave spectroscopy by T. Schiewe, B. Gutschmann, L. Santolin, S. Waldburger, P. Neubauer, R. Hass, S.L. Riedel
Bioprozessanalytik: Sondieren, wie der Prozess läuft by B. Gutschmann, M. Münzberg, S.L. Riedel
Open Access Inline monitoring of high cell density cultivation of Scenedesmus rubescens in a mesh ultra-thin layer photobioreactor by Photon Density Wave spectroscopy by M. Sandmann, M. Münzberg, L. Bressel, O. Reich, R. Hass
Open Access In-Line Monitoring of Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Production during High-Cell-Density Plant Oil Cultivations Using Photon Density Wave Spectroscopy by B. Gutschmann, T. Schiewe, M.T.H. Weiske, P. Neubauer, R. Hass, S.L. Riedel
Photonic sensing in highly concentrated biotechnical processes by photon density wave spectroscopy by R. Hass, M. Sandmann, O. Reich
Fiber-optical Photon Density Wave spectroscopy applied to highly concentrated biotechnical processes by R. Hass, O. Reich
Optical monitoring of chemical processes in turbid biogenic liquid dispersions by photon density wave spectroscopy by R. Hass, D. Munzke, S.V. Ruiz, J. Tippmann, O. Reich
Using absorption and reduced scattering coefficients for non-destructive analyses of fruit flesh firmness and soluble solids content in pear (Pyrus communis ‘Conference’)—An update when using diffusion theory by S.E. Adebayo, N. Hashim, R. Hass, O. Reich, C. Regen, M. Münzberg, K. Abdan, M. Hanafi, M. Zude-Sasse
Open Access Validation study for measuring absorption and reduced scattering coefficients by means of laser-induced backscattering imaging by M. Zude-Sasse, N. Hashim, R. Hass, N. Polley, C. Regen
Depletion-induced flocculation of concentrated emulsions probed by photon density wave spectroscopy by K. Bressel, W. Müller, M.E. Leser, O. Reich, R. Hass, T.J. Wooster
Fiber-optical particle sizing by photon density wave spectroscopy by L. Bressel, M. Münzberg, R. Hass, O. Reich
In-line Charakterisierung der Phaseninversionstemperatur-Emulgierung mittels Photonen-dichtewellen-Spektroskopie by M. Münzberg, R. Hass, O. Reich
Sensing emulsification processes by Photon Density Wave spectroscopy by O. Reich, L. Bressel, R. Hass
In-line Particle sizes measuring techniques for Suspensions and Emulsions by R. Hass, D. Munzke, O. Reich
In-line characterization of highly concentrated industrial dispersions by Photon Density Wave spectroscopy by L. Bressel, R. Hass, M. Münzberg, O. Reich
Open Access Advanced Particle Size Analysis in High-Solid-Content Polymer Dispersions Using Photon Density Wave Spectroscopy by S. Schlappa, L. Bressel, O. Reich, M. Münzberg
Open Access Process Characterization of Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsions Applying Inline Photon Density Wave Spectroscopy at High Solid Contents by S. Schlappa, L.J. Brenker, L. Bressel, R. Hass, M. Münzberg
Inline characterization of dispersion formation of a solvent-borne acrylic copolymer by Photon Density Wave spectroscopy by Ö. Kutlug, R. Hass, S. Reck, A. Hartwig
Open Access Limitations of turbidity process probes and formazine as their calibration standard by M. Münzberg, R. Hass, N.D.D. Khanh, O. Reich
Open Access Process analytical approaches for the coil-to-globule transition of poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) in a concentrated aqueous suspension by P. Werner, M. Münzberg, R. Hass, O. Reich
Photon Density Wave Spectroscopy for Dilution‐Free Sizing of Highly Concentrated Nanoparticles During Starved‐Feed Polymerization by R. Hass, O. Reich
Industrial applications of photon density wave spectroscopy for in-line particle sizing by R. Hass, M. Münzberg, L. Bressel, O. Reich
Polymers & Emulsions
Crystallization & Inorganics
Open Access Exploitation of inline photon density wave spectroscopy for titania particle syntheses by S. Zimmermann, O. Reich, L. Bressel
Real-time inline monitoring of zeolite synthesis by Photon Density Wave spectroscopy by J. Häne, D. Brühwiler, A. Ecker, R. Hass
Monitoring lactose crystallization at industrially relevant concentrations by Photon Density Wave spectroscopy by A. Hartwig, R. Hass
Optical monitoring of milk fat phase transition within homogenized fresh milk by Photon Density Wave spectroscopy by S.V. Ruiz, R. Hass, O. Reich
Photon Density Wave Spectroscopy as in-line process analysis technology by A. Krause, B. Gutschmann, R. Hass, S.L. Riedel, M. Münzberg
Inline‐Partikelgrößenmesstechniken für Suspensionen und Emulsionen by R. Hass, D. Munzke, O. Reich
Photon Density Wave (PDW) Spectroscopy for Nano-and Microparticle Sizing by L. Bressel, R. Hass
From radiative transport theory to quantification of light scattering properties by O. Reich, L. Bressel, R. Hass
Particle sizing in highly turbid dispersions by Photon Density Wave spectroscopy: Bidisperse systems by L. Bressel, J. Wolter, O. Reich
Particle sizing in highly turbid dispersions by Photon Density Wave spectroscopy by L. Bressel, R. Hass, O. Reich
Investigations of Strongly Light Scattering Liquids by Photon Density Wave Spectroscopy by O. Reich, L. Bressel, R. Hass, M. Münzberg, M. Sandmann
Prozessanalyse stark lichtstreuender Dispersionen mit Photonendichtewellen‐Spektroskopie by O. Reich, L. Bressel, R. Hass, M. Münzberg