Why PDW Analytics?!
The dilution-free inline or online analysis of highly concentrated disperse materials with particles or droplets in the size range of nano- and micrometers poses high technological challenges, especially during their production. Here, Photon Density Wave Spectroscopy provides a unique and unmatched solution.
Additionally, understanding and model-building of biological, chemical or physical processes on the basis of process analytical data often requires a deep scientific understanding of the applied measurement principle as well as of the analyzed process.
At PDW Analytics, the combination of this unique, innovative method and of highly trained scientists leads to a new in-depth insight into dispersion processing.
PDW Analytics was founded in October 2013 as a spin-off of the "Centre of Innovation Competence" innoFSPEC (Innovative Fibre-Optical Spectroscopy and Sensing). innoFSPEC is a joint venture of the Physical Chemistry of the University of Potsdam and the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam.
At this centre, in the research group of "Innovative Fibre Sensing", chemists, physicists and biologists work on the development and testing of new sensing concepts, mostly as innovative contributions for Process Analytical Technologies (PAT).
During his academic work, CEO Dr. Roland Hass has strongly contributed to the development of Photon Density Wave Spectroscopy as Process Analytical Technology. Specific focus during this development period was put on the analysis of disperse systems, particularly during chemical and physical processing. Besides the vast scientific background, he is widely experienced in industrial research projects.

Dr. Roland Hass

Dr. Marvin Münzberg
Instrumentation & Applications

Dr. Anne Hartwig

Paul Frido